I am highly upset that I heard a nationalistic/racial slur on Jake Tapper's newscaster today. He was interviewing a black man associated with the newspaper in Tulsa Okla. When the man associated with the paper was asked a question about why white people not having a racial slur used against them, the man responded that it goes back to when Europeans first came to this country, they were mostly Italians, Pollacks, etc. I am astounded Jake said nothing against the slur against Polish people. I am a first generation Polish man whose grandparents came from Poland. I am highly insulted. Italians were called dagos, Puerto Ricans were spicks, etc, and unfortunately the tag n****r was given to black people. Jake cut the man off to go to a commercial and the man had a look of disgust on his face when Jake said "good-bye" to him to go forward with the show. Jaker owes an apology not only to Polish people but all people of European heritage for saying nothing about the slur. Please have him apologize for this slur when he didn't correct the slur.