While I wasn’t expecting this movie to be nothing less of a war against the patriarchy and the matriarchy, there was definitely some messaging that was resonating about what women actually struggle with. At the same time, this was just a modern day feminist message (which I personally thought was hilarious) that women have all of these struggles, and that’s why we should rule more! I also think that the messaging of toxic masculinity was absolutely disappointing. Every man in that movie was either dumb, or aggressive or intrusive. And the one guy who wasn’t was basically a beta male, agreeing with all the women. The messaging was absolutely poor on the healthy dynamics of men and women and how they can work together to get things done. I think this movie is an absolute reflection on what’s wrong with our culture today. I would not recommend having teenagers watch this without having a really important discussion on all the things that are wrong and unrealistic about this movie.
Maybe it just shows tue true colors of Mattel and their intention of the Barbie legacy. But just not an accurate depiction of what’s happening in the real world today. It’s just a microcosm of reality