Directed by John Madden, a football guy, I guess, starring Bill Nye-hee, Julie Dench, Maggie Smith, and the great Richard Gere. A young enterprising hotel owner juggling the expansion of his business, his upcoming marriage and the lives of his eccentric and active tenants. This is a rom-com, old person, chick-flick kind of movie with a lot of old people in it- which is fun to see them. A lot of these people are actual sirs and duchess and whoever from England. English knights here, and certain royalty, I guess, prince. And these folks are all down in India, doing what they do down there, and it is almost one of these, its one of these- big, every- put everyone in there and see what happens kind of movies; improv. And Richard Gere of course is always great. I love this movie. Five stars, easily. With ten stars, I would say. And I'm giving it five stars.