Could we possibly be space cowboys or nomads or even criminals deported to earth by our ancient fore fathers for being war mongers and world destroyers. Imagine Adam and eve and eventually our whole family of human kind put here with our memories, our past or even our previous simulated life all erased permanently for fear it would emerge again. But our DNA and memories are begining to reboot and would not bow out easily has seen in our resurgence and advancement in technology in three thousand years, a very short period of time. Why we human beings are always obsess in space and scientific films. Is it that our DNA inprint is reviving our memory past and it coming into play in this present time frem where we came from. The last century has seen the technology bloom in a short period of time.. The Native American Indian would delicately show how they survived for Thousand of years with out technology while we the others plunge our mother earth by raping our earth and decaying and over used our resources. Our fore fathers thought us how to be resourceful and not be wasteful which only the Native American Indian and also all other aboroginal people tend to follow in their culture. Can we depict they may be our guardians or counselors or protectors from our ancient past.