The dinosaur movie is about an evil CEO that makes GMO locust to destroy crops....and for whatever reason has a lot of dinosaurs that patrol the premesis of his evil lab...also the writers don't understand what an invasive species is or extinction as they think all the modern animals and dinosaurs will "coexist". I found myself frequently not paying attention to what was happening as the action scenes just all blend together and 'things are just happening' usually with little to no explanation of why. It's no longer thrilling to see CGI dinosaurs like it was in 1993. There is no real story that is of any interest. Also, of course we get to catch up with beloved original series cast members...which makes it worthwhile right? We get to see that Dr. Grant grew old alone, Dr. Statler is divorced (of course!), And Dr. Malcolm works for dinosaur Monsanto (why??)....and the very forgettable millennial characters Andy and rich wine aunt run away from dinosaurs periodically. It took me 3 sittings to finish this movie, I was too bored to finish it in one sitting.