Call of duty player for 15 years. I waited a year to post my review to give it a fair shot. I have never been so disappointed in a call of duty so far. I truly believe it was a huge step back from the previous game, Modern Warfare. Cod has always been my one and only game I look forward to every year, I’ll never not buy it; however, this one was just boring and not fun at all. It may have just been overshadowed by warzone but once the Cold War elements were implemented into warzone it made me dislike warzone as well. I know thats not only on treyarch as raven software handles warzone but I felt like anything that had to do with Cold War just sucked. I feel like the game was rushed after sledgehammer couldn’t get their stuff together because it was technically their year to make call of duty so activision told treyarch to make this rushed junk. The SBMM made the game totally sweaty in every lobby which ruined the experience for me just trying to get a couple games in after work. The movement didn’t feel smooth as opposed to the IW engine. For the longest time while playing there were always “meta” guns everyone used in every single lobby which made going for camos on awful guns against super sweaty lobbies unbearable so I stopped for the first time in years trying to get mastery. I understand there needs to be some sort of SBMM but I could never just relax and sit back and play like I used to. This was the lowest amount of time played I have had on a cod in 15 years and I really did give it a shot. Some people like it which I respect but I’d honestly take a jet pack game again over this any day and I hated jet packs.