I heard about Fraser's nomination for his role in The Whale but I have procrastinated watching the movie till now. Mainly because I can't imagine it being an uplifting movie about being morbidly obese. I have also just read a bunch of negative reviews about the movie, the writers, the director and the actors including Fraser. I am not sure I understand why there's these negative reviews. I watched a movie about this person's life albeit, a lifestyle that most of us cannot relate to. I believe that this movie helped me understand what that life maybe be like for someone who's 600 lbs. At this point, accuracy is not important. We all hear about the morbidly obese. I have read about medical journals about the disease, condition and the prejuidce. Without this movie, I am no closer to understand their lives. This reminds me of movies to this day of stereotypes that has existed in the movies about other people of their sex, race, age, and anything else you can think of. Perhaps it is a human condition that we tend to typify people we are not familiar with or don't understand. We should all take it for what the movies is trying to show us once in a while... taking us out of our own monotony and into someone else's nightmare.