I was incredibly disappointed by this game. First and foremost, it needs difficulty selection. I understand that many people blew through this game with little to no problems but I am not historically an arcade fighter player, so I have very little experience playing any games like street fighter and tekken. I found this game to be extremely difficult, I felt like I got combo'd for decades by the enemy fighter but my combos were never really consistent to land. I also felt like this game was a huge grind to try to get good at and I eventually gave up because it was more trouble than it's worth. I know that my lack of experience and skill makes the game hard for me, but if I could have put it on an easier setting so I had more time to get better instead of playing the 3rd fight over and over for 3 hours, I would have kept playing this for a good while! Definitely would have got the DLC, instead i uninstalled after a few hours. Dropped the ball bigtime on this. I bought this game to button mash and enjoy the story, I could not have been more disappointed. Epic fail.