This movie is truly a movie with amazing animation, and colors. It keeps those little ones who love color entertained throughout the film. However- emphasis on however- this movie has some issues that stand out to the more mature viewer. Here they are:
1. Pacing, this movie has some time issues with the dialogue. What I mean is that it goes right into the Abuela and Mirabel talking about the candle witch was fine but it goes right into the present with Mirabel singing about it with some random kids who contribute nothing to the plot, but drag though a song that is confusing and doesn’t dive deep enough into the family tree enough. Btw, the powers are all pretty stupid.
2. Plot errors: Why does the Abuela ask why she’s singing (the beginning), yet she was doing a whole frickin solo during it?
Why is Abuela such a jerk toward her grand daughter for being a non- gifted person? She literally is ungifted herself and being a brat over this miracle given to her without even being ask. Its errors like this that make the movie bad.
3. The jokes are not funny. No more to say, the jokes do not land, and I do not like the hard funny in it.
All in all, mid movie that had a story that made no sense at times, and a plot that was not as emotional as you’d think it would be.
4/10 or 2/5 ⭐️:(