I love Adopt Me! It is just like its description. Vey fun and mostly safe. Not many people understand the game but once you play for a few days it is just incredible!
I saw many YouTubers playing this game and many friends recommended to me, I thought I should try it out. The I tried it out, I thought it was weird at first, but then I got hooked on!
It has many new updates so you don't get bored. It has almost everything that's in a real life from adopting and taking care of pets and kids, to furnishing and building awesome houses! Adopt Me! has it all!!!
When it comes to safety, it is good, the game doesn't particularly "trap" players into spending Robux, neither does it persuade you too. Although there are some players that do scam pets, money, Robux etc. When I try to report them, apparently they don't get blocked. I don't know the system on how the game stops scammers, but the good news is that there aren't much scamming going on nowadays, after they have updated the game!
It maybe is not the best game for children because there is still scamming, game crashing because of overloaded servers and odours... I have lost a few items in Adopt Me, but I came over it since it wasn't too much...
To parents - please please please supervise your children who are playing and make sure they are safe in this game because it is pretty bad if your kid comes crying to you if someone did something to them or that they got scammed. Just make sure your kids don't get badly influenced or hurt.
Overall its a nice game but do be ware of scammers, oders and bad influences!!!
If anybody is looking for a game to play in Roblox, try this out but once again be careful!!