This movie wasn't even as bad as many people make it out to be... Yes, it was a musical and I personally, do not like musicals, but I'll let this one slide. The music was actually good and so was the scenes during the music parts. Also, isn't singing apart of Jokers character anyways? Like, when he kills somebody? So if anything; the music actually works.
I've seen a couple people say that the court house scenes were boring. Imo I thought those were the most interesting!!
The ending was a surprise, but it all made since afterwards when you know that the main guy isn't the real Joker and the guy who killed him is. And if anyone remembers the first movies ending, they'd know that that same guy is the guy who killed Bruce Wayne's parents in the alleyway.
Anyways, 4/5 stars. It wasn't a shitty movie, but it could have been better.