This series begins with a compelling, interesting plot and develops well, for the first few episodes. Two great actors Mirielle Enos and Joel Kinneman have enticing chemistry, much as they did in an earlier Netflix series - The Killing. Unfortunately this show just fall flat on its face by the time you get to episode 5 or 6. By the end, I was cringing enough to really question whether I cared about any of the characters at all. Hey, I love action, a little martial arts, explosions, and gratuitous gunfire in an action flic. But the scenes were so comically choreographed that it completely spoiled it for me. Let’s see... two sixteen year-olds and an ex-special forces guy with two bullet holes in him (one of them infected with the bulllet still there, the other infected from Hanna’s super-teen saliva after biting that bullet out) armed with two semi-automatic hand-guns and no extra clips vs. three truckloads of military-type combatants in full combat gear, armed with 30-round clipped automatic rifles and two flame throwers...who wins? That battle coming after Hanna and her Super-dad that has just survived being locked up naked in a freezer for a couple of days while the CIA Leader dumps water on him, but manages to miraculously extricate himself, dispensing with five CIA combatants armed with automatic rifles, Super-Dad’s weapon of choice being a 30 year-old bolt-action rifle...oh and Super-Daughter comes to the rescue with a Mercedes C-300 and some gymnastic-like moves to take out what Dad misses. The Mercedes is helpful in that it seemingly blows up the Head CIA Guy because he just happens to be standing near the gas cap when the explosion propels him 50 feet backwards, however he apparently has his own super-survival powers as he survives the concussive-flaming event with narry a scratch nor burn, but does incur a gratuitous bit of a limp from a boo boo in his thigh. Come on! It’s almost cartoon-like, without the little white X-bandage boo boo markers. Who thinks this stuff up, and what kind of meds were they on? It’s a shame, because Kinneman and Enos were so good together in The Killing. Watch the first five episodes or so of Hannah, and then go watch The Killing. Much better use of your TV time.