Save your money, wait for streaming. It’s a cool concept just poorly executed. Everything from the music, to the acting was just off. No sort of explanation is provided to fully understand why our country is at war with itself. I feel like Garland just anticipated that his audience doesn’t need an explanation given the current state of our country, but a little back story would’ve been helpful. Instead we just get mumbled, conversational dialogue. The ending would have been so much more impactful if the foreshadowing didn’t make it so obvious. Also, why cast Nick Offerman as the president and give him two minutes of screen time? Would have been just as effective (and cheaper) if they had just used a not so famous actor. It takes away from the symbol of the character and makes it difficult for the audience to see him as anything except the guy from Parks and Rec. If he had more dialogue, he’s a good enough actor to deliver a believable honest performance of someone we should absolutely hate and applaud the moment he’s assassinated. But instead, it was a ending that just felt flat and left me feeling disappointed.