I absolutely loved it! So beautifully shot.. thought they used actual film... Not sure but the beautiful film look is missing these days. Has such a late 70’s early 80’s vibe. Incredible performance by Joaquin Phoenix, and great background story of the Joker, which was missing from Dark Knight.
I loved Heath Ledger’s performance as well... I just wish there was more backstory on him. Music score was fantastic. Some review said this film will remain separate from the other Batman movies, so I expected it to just be about a Joker character which was so wrong!
I love that he meets Bruce Wayne as a child. I can’t wait, and deeply hope Joaquin is used in upcoming Batman movies and they develop his character to be more witty, lucid and perhaps more of a true anarchist.
Also, thank god no rap or dubstep (which I like, but so sick of Hollywood pushing it in every movie to be hip) Thanks for keeping the movie a story and not a sell out or cheap shot to put some sponsored song into the movie. Like Prince, when Jack Nicholson was dancing to that lame song in the first Batman. Love Prince, but hate that kinda stuff. Lol.