From the beginning the plot makes no sense, any hopes that eventually it will are dashed as the story becomes more convoluted and confusing. Very little effort or time is put into fleshing out the new characters and protagonists. Neo's background on what has happened to him since the previous film felt rushed and not well thought out. Very unfortunate that this movie was a sorry excuse to rehash the hype and excitement of the much loved original trilogy to which it horribly failed. A fact the actors dialogue did not give a subtle nod towards but blatanly bashed the audience over the head with the fact that everyone wanted another movie, so here it is, enjoy? The story was weak and cobbled together riding on the backs of the original plot. Shown through flashbacks that make it seem that a fourth instalment was ever initially planned in the first place, which didn't feel authentic. The special effects are indeed excellent and the action sequences are very entertaining. However it did not do much to pull the focus from a flimsy storyline and ludicrous premise for a reboot.