I just watched this film of 1961...I myself am 70+ years of age , born in 1950. I absolutely came to my own conclusions as I watched. It brought about many childhood memories of children* who I also knew personally to be quite cruel. I personally - think this was the main theme of the Film...gossip is and always will be gossip..either by children or adults. Some of the persons picked to critique the film at the end of the film... were way off in my opinion. But each to his own. I had a steady boyfriend in high school, later married twice and have a grown son from one of the marriages. The ending of the film was in my mind...quite different from from the critiques. I saw the young lady who took her life...desperately wanting her friend, that she had confessed her love to, as making the ultimate sacrifice of herself so her friend, that she so dearly loved,could carry on her life..as she realized that her friend did not have the same deep feelings for her. Not so terribly different from many heterosexual relationships in the 60s or even today. Seems the critics were trying to handle it gently because of today's societal acceptance of gay relationships. Perhaps - too many people now a days..try and please everyone...by over thinking something. After all...it was a film made during the 60s* Thank You for allowing me to post my opinion.