You know I loved marvel and being a white male in a mixed race marriage it felt good having a source of great material and a place for all of us a diverse mix of people to watch and enjoy, but when i watched falcon and the winter soldier my heart sunk. I cant believe they went this direction its horrible. Its not about being too much or too little its about doing the right thing. The world is torn apart and we need to be uplifted and shown how we can come together this was an opportunity for them to do this. I was also teased and bullied growing up because I was white but you don't see me hating on others. And no I was not privileged i was raised poor with very little and ashamed of who i was. Now i see the way people are to each other and watch shows like this it makes me sick. It sucks because i was the hugest marvel fan and now cant stand watching it. Its funny how white people has always been called a racist until you watch and hear things enough you begin to see more clearly where the problems are. There is so much hypocrisy now that racism just shifted its course... Its sad!!!