(Spoiler Alert)
Through 3 episodes this show is hilarious! Characters' reactions to the events are absolutely ridiculous. For example, after an attack by a pack of wolves I would guess that the first thing people would do would be to find a way to fortify their camp and forge at least some rudimentary weapons like sharpened sticks. We see none of that. Instead people don't seem the least bit traumatized and idiotically mill around in the open making as much noise as possible to attract large animals. I'm sure they'll be shocked when the next large animal attacks their camp.
Also, a former medical student doesn't understand what opiates are or how to write down basic instructions...sheesh. Good thing the kid with no medical training is there to help.
Crack Government Team: "We flew a drone in and this guy with visions saw that it crashed...what should we do?"
Some idiot: "Have a guy fly a tilt-rotor craft (which in real life have a record of crashing) into the thing that destroyed the drone...what's the worst that could happen?"
Crack Government Team: "Great idea...let's do it!"