If you want to continue a series/franchise, ideally you would want more character development, expand the universe and make improvements from previous games. TC did a good job of expanding the universe, but was terrible at everything else.
The characters in Gears 5 are terrible. Kait did not get any character development in Gears 4, so I was excited to see that this campaign was about her. Boy was I wrong. They spent an entire game dedicated to her and she still is not likable at all. If anything I hated her more after this game.
Horde was my favorite thing to do in Gears 4. I sank thousands of hours on Gears 4 horde. I like the freedom to play the class and characters I wanted. Gears 5 takes away the freedom to choose which character you want to play and you are stuck with characters you hate. Gears 4 had such a good formula to it. All TC had to do was just make improvements on it like class balancing. Gears 5 horde is a disaster. They added a bunch of unnecessary things like the energy tap. Horde has always setting up a bastion at one location, why would you change that? The classes are not balanced at all. Snipers have always been underwhelming, unless you are good at it in Gears 4. Gears 5 sniping is pointless. The class just sucks. If you can't kill an enemy in 1-2 shots, they why play the class? I also hate how they didn't do anything to fix the engineer class in Gears 4. The engineer class is still a necessity and worse is that it is Del.
The game has a ton of bugs and very glitchy. I don't know how, but it is less fluid then Gears 4. TC need to stop looking at other games and look at what made the original trilogy so great. If I wanted to play Fortnite, I would play Fortnite. If I want to play Gears, I will play Gears. Don't emulate other games because they are successful. Cater to your core fan base. I give this game a 2/10