1 word, DISAPPOINTED!! My Mum and I have been playing Nancy Drew games ever since I was a child. We always looked forward to our Nancy time and were so eager to play the new Midnight in Salem that I got for Mums birthday.
Like I said, disappointing! The graphics were so awful!! The first game Secrets can Kill was first released in 1998 and I swear they had better graphics than this one.
It was so glitchy!!! We played it for about 10 minutes before getting so frustrated with the glitching. The subtitles didn’t match the words and you had to wait for the subtitles to catch up before moving on. The characters didn’t even sync with their voices (not like you wanted to listen to them). And you couldn’t even hear the phone calls.
The characters would not SHUT UP! So much dialogue and no puzzles. Even when there was, a child could complete them. Way too easy! I loved the frustration I would get trying to work out puzzles in the previous games but not this one.
Finally, it was so BORING! The storyline had so many holes in it and it just went on and on. But since the characters kept talking it was hard to get any sleuthing in.
A little advice to HerInteractive, give everyone refunds and spend another year or two getting it right. We waited 5 years for this and it was beyond a disappointment. Play a Nancy Drew game or two and learn what they are meant to be like. Go back to the old ways and earn back your customers! Because at the moment I think I’ll just stick with the original 32 games before they were destroyed by the 33rd monstrosity!!