I read other reviews, the only gripe I really have is kaz is suppose to b a spy for the resistance but he couldn’t b anymore dumber than what I’ve I seen, all the way up to episode 12, and he’s not stupid funny, he’s more like r you really that dumb, it makes it hard to like him at all, in the 12 episodes I saw, he doesn’t learn from his mistakes, he just keeps doing the same thing, and he fully trusts everybody unless it has something to do with the first order cause that’s who he supposed to spy on but there not really relevant yet, there in it but that’s it, you can say it’s a kids show but unless you let your little kids stay up late, it’s hard to say but it almost looks like they want adults to watch it, but it has the same y7 rating that rebels and clone wars has and they are aimed at adults and children, resistance just take the Star Wars out of the show, but your protagonist should b liked if he’s not no one is gonna wanna watch his stupidness every week maybe people that r just as dumb might like it, I watched all the movies growing they r rated pg meaning adults r supposed to b there with u, just bringing that up so the dumb can understand Star Wars is for everybody