I just finished watching this movie... No, this EPIC. Like Beowulf, the Iliad and the Lord of the Rings, this masterpiece of art uplifts and inspires.
The action of course is phenomenal. The acting is fantastic and the score captures the soul, alternately bringing tears to your eyes, filling you with dead and making your heart soar among the clouds. But where it really stands apart is the writing and direction.
Zack Snyder understands what Superheroes are: They are avatars of our collective consciousness, the embodiment of our highest virtues. They inspires us to strive, to live with courage, honor and virtue in a world that has forgotten what these words mean. And in this cinematic wonder Snyder captures this perfectly. You owe it to yourself to watch it, own it, be inspired by it.
As a final note, as the credits begin, Snyder tributes his daughter. “For Autumn”. Mr. Snyder, I know you will never read this. But from one father who has lost a daughter to another, I know that she is proud of you, of what you have done here. I can say without a shadow of doubt that you have made the world a better place with your art, and I’m sure that she is honored by your tribute. May I honor my own daughter half as well.