The game simply falls very short of what we were expecting. Don’t get me wrong the game is beautiful and has many jaw dropping scenes that just look gorgeous. But any big game company can have amazing graphics so I’m not that impressed. What I’m really criticizing is the flow of the story and how Neil Druckmann has poisoned the sequel to The Last of Us. It’s clear that the game is very political. All the significant male characters are brutally murdered and crippled and the whole game is focused around women. Neil Druckmann ruined the game by incorporating political feminism and killing off characters that loyal fans have grown to love for the past 7-8 years. The game could have been so much more had it not been plagued by a feminist-pea brained coward. I’m not saying that women shouldn’t be in this game I’m just stating that Neil Druckmann should have used his brain and left politics out of the game. It would make The Last of Us 2 go from 1 star to a 4 star.