A question posed by viewers of the show...
In the last episode, of the first season, the Humans participate in a quick decision prop gun shooting experiment where they are to shoot a person with a prop gun at an actor who pops out from a propped cardboard image (bush, car, etc.) holding a gun. A number of different people pop out from props holding either a gun or cell phone in the air. If the person is holding a cell phone, the human is not to shoot them. In the end, the humans in the experiment shoot a dark-skinned man of colour who is wearing a RED t-shirt and black baseball cap while holding a cell phone. The show leads the humans and the viewing audience to believe that the man was shot because of the colour of his skin based on stereotypes humanity creates. Very interesting that the man of colour was wearing a RED shirt and the other person who popped out from a prop was wearing a light coloured shirt. RED can trigger a reaction from anyone as the human mind goes into defensive mode and is tricked to think, "shoot at the bulls eye". What would happen if you changed the dark-skinned man of colours' shirt to a lighter colour and the cacausian's shirt to RED. Would the result be the same? The shooter had to move quickly to determine his/her target ie. RED Bulls Eye. This experient seems inconclusive. Who were the human's really aiming for, the man or his RED shirt?