Snappy dialogue spoken by the most stylish lovers in all of cinema, for men watch it in a white tux with a cigarette, for women find that wide brimmed hat worn at a slant, and get those freaking letters of transit: "You said no's looking at you kid...the Germans wore gray you wore blue...of all the gin joints of the towns in the world she walks into mine...this ought to take the sting out of being occupied...where were you ten years ago..strange I know so little about you...I will meet you at the station...why don't we get married in Marseille...if something should keep us apart--wherever they put you...kiss me for the last time...why did you have to come to long was it we had honey...mostly I remember the last one...tell me who is it you left me for...was it Lazlo or were there others in between (ouch!) one is supposed to sleep well in Casablanca...even Nazi's can't kill that fast...carrying charges my boy carrying any other man only more so...we'll always have ways she may constitute an entire second front...just a lucky I suspected you are a rank have to think for both of us for all of seems that destiny has taken a hand...she isn't just any are the only person in Casablanca with less scrulples than me...serves me right for not being musical...we got it back last night...the problems of three little people don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy's looking at you kid...round up the usual suspects,..Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship" the sublime vision of Bergman in white in the threshold of the cafe spying Rick drinking alone, and possibly the best movie score ever put down, "Sam play it, play it " time goes by. Otherwise just another Hollywood fantasy.