Its a cute show-BUT unrealistic. I am a Latina that lives in Portland. I moved here years ago (yes, moved from the state that cannot be named) because I love the topography and like to hike, kayak, camp, and be outdoors. Let me tell you- THERE IS ONLY A 12% POPULATION OF MINORITIES IN THE WHOLE STATE AND MOST LIVE IN PORTLAND. Minority including black, Latino, Asian, Native American, etc. I find at times to be the only POC in the room. I'm ok with that but this show -THAT IS FILMED IN LOS ANGELES-should have just indicated it was in L.A. not Portland. POC in Portland have to find each other like attend Latinx Tech or some other group. The rest of the Latinos I know in the area do not live in Portland they live outside the metro. AND We are a wonderful mixed bag- Latinos from all countries not just Mexico. I will continue to watch the show because I want to support my peeps- I just wish they would have called it another place.