I wanted so badly to love this game. Aside from all of the bugs and glitches, the story is awesome. With that being said, the glitches and bugs that do happen are completely game-breaking. When trying to activate a quest “Tapeworm”, you can only go so far as to talk to Johnny once. After that, there’s no markers telling you what to do next and no new objectives. This eventually leads to a bug where you can’t pull out your weapons, and in turn can’t progress any further, even in side missions. I see people leaving five star reviews saying things like “it’s a game that is bound to have bugs at launch”. This may be true, but after being in the works for eight whole years the bugs shouldn’t be so major as to completely halt gameplay. Aside from the mission bugs, there are so many other instances of NPCs clipping through walls, areas not loading in, and your character being able to walk through unopened doors. Like I said before, I wanted so badly to love this game, but when bugs make it unplayable, it’s impossible.