First note, are we surprised that most of the criticism for this film come from men? No.
Second note. Powerful female leads, Jean Grey, Raven, Vux (Jessica Chastain). The nuance and power of a woman's emotions and will are prevalent through out this entire film. Vux's desire to save her kind, her race. Raven's love for her fellow X-Men, her children. Jean's struggle with her rage and desertion of her father. Sign me up.
This is possibly the most real and fueled we've ever seen Jean Grey or any of these character's in any film and they manage to do it with out a fully "mature looking" version of the cast, Jean Grey included.
Sure there are infinite versions of the Jean Grey/Dark Phoenix story but this is still one worth exploring. So to those who love the franchise for what it is this film is a welcome addition.
The performances are true, the graphics are amazing, the sheer scope of the film is huge. A definite must see for those looking for more than an X-Men film but maybe one that can also be called an X-women film.