Panchayat, another exquisite work by the TVF (The Viral Fever). The story narrates about an engineer who fails to secure a lucrative corporate job and has been a posted as a secretary in a rural community. The protagonist Abhishek ( Jitendra Kumar ) was at first put into a dilemma to adapt to village lifestyle, as he hailed from city culture. Later, intertwining with people of grassroot levels keeps the story on the move.
The real essence of rural India has been portrayed in a very impeccable way. Haunted Trees, Buffalo Milk and many other captivating rural factors keeps the screenplay in a steady manner. Besides, social issues like dowry, population explosion, gender inequalities in the series firmly proves that people are yet to recover from the pristine and backward mentality.
Jitendra Kumar’s performance was flawless, meanwhile other characters added a very strong dimension with their noteworthy performances as well. Background Score, Cinematography and the colour grading is enthralling too.
To cut it short, this should be on everybody’s watchlist.