I really enjoyed this! I have to preface this by saying that I’m not a fan of the original PLL. I missed it when it aired and watched it later, during which I could hardly get through the first episode because it was so cringey. So I am not just saying this is good for “nostalgia” or anything like that.
The show definitely has an underlining feminist theme. It’s about a group of teenage girls who, in one way or another, feel that their bodies are not their own. Either by having controlling parents or experiencing certain traumas, they are dealing with having to wrestle their power from the people who took it away in order to grow into themselves. And I just really like that, especially since the show openly touches on sexism in the horror genre throughout.
The characters are really likable and relatable. The atmosphere reminds me very much of my own time in high school (minus the murder of course). I really appreciate how compact it feels, there’s no fluff and it’s straight to the point which I love. It’s also like a love letter to certain horror movies, which I appreciate immensely.