I normally really enjoy watching this show. I learn cooking tips from the judges as well as the contestants. But I have to say, I am VERY disappointed about the winners going up against the judges. Twice now, when seeing the contestants going up against Scott and Alex, I really felt like the contestantS in both cases won. But it seems as though they would NEVER have the judge lose. I mean I like Alex, she is a fantastic chef, but she dropped half of her dish on the floor and still won! In Scott’s competition, they didn’t taste a basket ingredient but marveled at the contestants use of the same ingredient, and the contestant still lost. Oh and btw.. both of them cooked a perfect steak. So how is it that Scot won?! Rigged. I know it’s just entertainment but for the contestants, it’s $ and bragging rights and i believe in both cases they should have won. Alex and Scott are amazing chefs... but it’s ok if someone out cooks them in a competition once in a while.