I am told that this series is available on Netflix? Why does such a company condone content which, even fictional portrays another country and culture (Indonesia) in such a bad manner, as in episode 5? If the same were done for blacks or Native Americans or Jews, there would be an uproar. It's even more ironic because Indonesia is a captive market for Korean: technology, cars and even their KPop bands and drama series, as this one WAS.
Why would the writers unwittingly do that and risk a nation wide boycott of everything Korean by this? This small faux pas is a big reflection on how Koreans truly paint their fellow Asians and in particular Southeast Asians and Indonesians especially.
It is almost as bad as those cheesy Chinese ads where a black man falls into a washing machine coming out Chinese.
Netflix really should pull the series if they want their Indonesian subscribers to stay.