As a fan of greek mythology and animation, I was first delighted to see something like this. It quickly fell flat. The art style is jarring to me, the characters look empty and they lack any movement that would make them seem alive. I know they’re likely saving the budget for action scenes, but I simply can’t get invested in a show that doesn’t put care and effort into the “downtime”. The voice acting is okay, not great, but not awful. The storyline is intriguing and somewhat mythos-accurate, Zeus comes down from the heavens and homewrecks a beautiful young lady, having a son in the process. He stays around in the form of an old mentor for his son, the protagonist of the show. This is where my mythology bells started going off. He’s kind and giving, a good father figure who wants to guide humanity to prosperity. If you know anything about Zeus, you probably know he’s not an awesome dude. The show, at least in the first couple episodes, seems to paint him as good as other mythology head gods, like Odin or God.
If you aren’t particular about the way mythology is remixed, and you like the art style, maybe give it a watch. But I can’t get past it.