It'd be nice to see him get out. Or maybe leave with his gf. Maybe shoot officer merk and go through a tirade through the city. George Floyd didn't deserve to die. But the cops knee isn't what killed him. It aided by increasing heart rate and stress, but it was the fetynaol that killed him in his system. Regardless the cop should be persecuted as a reminder to not be so brutal to Americans. Many times over white people are killed for less by the cops of all colors and it never makes headlines. Only when a black person is killed. I think that is what causes another divide that we don't pay attention to. We need to expose unnecessary aggression from police regardless the color of victim. It's not just black people ya know. It's whites to. Just the media paints us whites as the poster boys. Poor white folk get killed by police just as much as black folk. If another movie like this is made showing that black folk are not alone in america, that it to does happen to white people, I think the movement will go alot further. Whites. Blacks. Asians. Mexicans. We all get messed with by police. We need to show that it's not just racist white cops are the only bad ones. I personally know a asian cop who hates everybody but asians. I know a Mexican cop who hates everybody who isn't mexican and has shot down 3 white kids and got away with it. I've heard colored cops before saying if you shoot white kids now a days you get away with it. Got into a fight with your wife and your mad. Put a bullet in a drunk white kid and nobody will care. YOUR NOT ALONE IN AMERICA. 🇺🇲🇺🇸 ✊🙌