It was super amazing, my family and I can’t wait for zombies 3. Talked about what could be in a third movies. My six year old says vampire, just cause she thinks it makes sense since they had werewolf in this move. I in the other hand believe perhaps a UFO, if not then the meteor has some kind of cure for zombies to go back to humans, cause Zedd said, still a zombie. That was a hint for me. Or Addison finds that whatever fell from space tells her who she is and is a way to discover herself and where she belongs. Might go to space and find out she an alien with her blood meaning something. Which in the first movie, being the only one with white hair/silver hair I thought her blood would be the cure for zombies to be human. It would make sense, still these are our ideas for what could be in Zombies3, however this movie has amazing songs and it’s beautiful, watched it more than 30 times since it came out. We Love it!!!