I was waiting to see this into film and boy was I disappointed.
First, the show is trying to portray Anna as some sort of financial genius for whom we should feel bad for. Obviously she’s far from a genius and if anything, she got away with it lightly. They’re also showing her friend Rachel as the bad one, when she was the victim - far from a pleasant friend, but still a victim.
Second, the main character is the journalist who wrote the story…why? Because of that, we’re not seeing the story in chronological order but as the journalist is discovering the facts. It makes it super messy and a lot of facts are missing. Also, there is so much emphasis on the journalist’s life, which honestly I wasn’t interested in at all, not to mention that this character was really annoying.
The whole production - the music, the comedic tone - none of it made sense. I’m hoping someone else produces a film or documentary about the events. I’m really disappointed with this one.