Just got finish watching Rise Of Skywalker, to me it was the best in the New sequel trilogy era. Before watching, my expectation was very low, the movie exceeded my expectation by a mile because I thought it was going to be Tim Burton 2001 Planet Of The Apes bad or Bow finger bad. The Critics just totally exaggerated, all because it wasn't exactly like The Last Jedi ( A Movie The Critics Love). I am so glad I did not let critics opinions just the movie for me instead I went by experience and my own judgement instead of another person.This movie is better than the Phantom Menace and The Last Jedi. The phantom menace wasn't bad either it was just a decent kid movie (Kid Goku on cloud Nimbus)Phantom Menace. Now don't get me wrong The Rise Of Skywalker isn't perfect, at first the movie had a rocky start due to the rapid paste, but by the 2nd act it gets better and better. When I left the theater I was satisfied. Previously the Last Jedi was my favorite in this triology, but this movie is better than The Last Jedi in my opinion. I'm glad jj didn't take a lot of risk because its the skywalkers tale but for new star wars films,I do want to see more risk taken for future non skywalker movies. The best movie in this Triology is The Rise Of Skywalker, The 2nd best is The Last Jedi and the least favorite is The Force Awakens. This Trilogy Needs an Animated Series in the future by Dave Filoni for further explanation between the return of the jedi and Force Awakens time line and the new trilogy era also. But this movie left me Satisfied.