It was a decent horror movie though fairly predictable.
Being a degreed techie I was a bit disappointed at the approach to using a rogue A I. as the star.
The idea of building a toy doll companion that had super strength with few safeguards is so silly that I had to suspend my credulity in order to enjoy the horror aspects.
It is a combination of Frankenstein meets Chuckie meets improbability. What saved it was the actors. The actors sold the story and allowed me to put my tech know how on the back burner.
Kudos to the ladies that played and voiced the doll and the CGI that blended seamlessly with the live action stunts. The child protagonist also shone in her portrayal of a young girl suffering tragedy, loss, hope, and more loss as well as some of her own kick behind action.
Definitely a good watch if you enjoy horror movies and good acting.