This is a extremely poor adaptation of Call of Duty.
While yes, the game has a nice destructibility in its maps. Alot of it becomes pointless. The game is a rinse and repeat of explosive spams and meta weapons that have a high rate of fire with a 1 shot kill. The game also shows its lack of content with a extremely small selection of maps. VERY few characters to choose from, lack of Nationality (only allied characters) I believe they're afraid to have axis characters? The game also provides every weapon with unrealistic weapon sights / weapon modifications. The game is just absolute chaos, theres no tactics used what so ever. The game developers introduced the blind fire feature, and give Support weapons a sense of purpose, but due to the destructive nature of the game, with its extreme chaos. Those features are pretty much thrown out.
One point i do like is the difficulty for ranking up weaponry. (Using the MG-42)
But i have noticed even on Hard Core, the MG-42 is a ~~6 shot kill platform whereas a handgun or even a SMG is a 1-2 Shot platform.