I have well over 400 hours playing this title. There's more 'unfortunate Cons' to this title than pros.
In the beginning the constant disconnect issue was a serious problem, they so called patched this issue, but the problem still exist. The cover system is atrocious and damage scaling has a serious problem. Some of the enemy are OP(Snipers) Crawler's, B-Mother's kill you that are not even on the map which is why a 30hr campaign game can turn into twice that. Oh and let's not forget the inventory wipe after hours of farming. I've Completed 3 classes and gear drops are really nonexistent. YouTubers show their Legendary gear, but never say how 🤔 long it took to get it.
For every patch they release, they open up a new bag of problems. This title had such potential, but it falls way short of a polished game. I think they just ran out of capital and pushed it to the market to satisfy their shareholders.
* DLC was such a waste.