It’s ok, but it feels very disjointed. Like the developers just put in heaps of new things and didn’t really tie it all together that well. Once you get over the wanderlust of such a big and beautiful map you start seeing the cracks in the game. The weak story writing, many bugs, clunky fighting and the needlessly complex (and hard to plan) ways of acquiring abilities and nearly everything just has a lot of missed potential and makes the game feel uninteresting and hard to get into.
Another thing is they completely scrapped anything good about the animals, your raven can’t tag enemies, it’s essentially useless unless you want to have a top town view of your area. And tameable animal companions have been discarded, which is, I’ll admit, not a big deal to some, but it just was a massive bummer in my opinion.
But while yea you get a stable and aviary where you can buy and change your horses/ravens and train your horses. The only good thing about it is the fact your mounts can now swim. Other than that the stables just make you have to go though more steps to change the cosmetics of your horse and Raven when it was just a thing in your inventory in Odyssey.
Overall I suggest playing Odyssey instead of Valhalla. It has the superior story and better more connected gameplay.
If in future they release updates to fix and improve these things I’ll be happy to improve my score, but for now. It’s not worth it, 2/5 stars.