Overall, a well-paced story about a troubled, gifted black man. Wonderful dialogue and acting, all set in a very real point in our country's history. Some of it, yes, was a bit schmaltzy, and Doc Shirley could be a bit too ostentatious and elitist, but show me a movie that doesn't lack the edits that it needs, that would make less more. I also disagree with critics who say this was too much about the white man. Clearly they disregard two things, 1) what white men did to snuff racism and unequality, and 2) the white main character's own dealings with racism. Sure, it was a back man's struggle. Most media has that point of view. But I, for one, am okay with this particular outlier, because it clearly shows an un-black man working for the black man - in more ways than one - and few stories do that. I'm fine with this proportion.