The producers should have did a thorough psyche evaluation on the participants bc that guy that tapped out in intake evidently had done mental health issues with anxiety and/or depression. Those type of people risk other participants safety on every episode.
I still think the best male participants were Zac, Nate, and Abner... The females I thought were great was Brooke especially bc she surprised everybody. Chief felt like she could have interacted more, but I dnt think it mattered bc she played her part and did what was asked.
As far as the ppl who needed psyche eval, y’all watched the show n y’all know who they are. And the snitches, shame on y’all too. And yeah I never been in there, but dnt snitch n risk everyone else. If u gonna do that, snitch on yourself then. I couldn’t believe that David did that. I think he did what some cops do and power tripped. It was sad to see him only think of himself in the end.
Overall, interesting show. I liked it!