The game has been over taken by trolls and bullies. There are 2 levels of players, those that have been there 2 or more years and those that have been there less than 5 months. At about the 3 to 4 month level the game rewards and encourages feeding on the newest players. Thus, at about 3 to 5 months the vast majority of players quit. Being a donator and paying to play normally helps in games of this ilk; however, it does not in this case. I am at just over 100 days and I have had less than 5 minutes of play time allowed in the last 24 hours due to being hospitalized by the players in the first tier of multiple year players. You can buy your way out of the hospital for a few times; but, then the cool down period then begins to exceed the time (3 to 4 hours) of hospitalization per incident. I have a screenshot of the last 30 hours for me ... zero playing time because they are lined up to attack as soon as I am released from the hospital. It is not an isolated incident and this happens frequently because it does to reward the trolls, bullies, and insecure adolescents. Don't waste your time or money on this trash game.