The Reason People Really Hate this Film is because they do not understand the scale of Ideas and information that's being Thrown at them.
The Mistake Zack Snyder Makes is Over-estimating the capability of Low IQ humans to Comprehend a Movie which is Filled with Meaning in every-single-minute.
If you're a person with a high capability to remember and understand poems and famous phrases in just one shot, This is the Movie.
Batman V Superman is one of those rare movies where you need to watch at least 10 times if you couldn't understand it for the first time.
Batman V Superman is a Story where Neither Superman nor Batman , but Lex Luthor ( if you could understand the movie properly ) is the Real Winner.
All in All , Batman V Superman is A Masterpiece.
9.5/10 is what the real review of the Film should have been.
Also Haters, just because you can't understand , doesn't mean It's not Good.
I would Suggest you take the help of Twin Perfect YT to understand BvS if you couldn't understand it.