Funny, understanding, and a captivating show. Big Mouth shows exactly what it is like being a confused and lost teenager is like. The show wasn't afraid to represent how teens are actually like, it is relatable. In my opinion, I would recommend skipping the first season honestly, maybe watch the first episode and then skip to season two. I watched all of season 1, but season 2 was a major improvement. Anyways, this show is greatly made, it has a wonderful cast, (my favorite is David Thewlis who plays the Shame Wizard, watching one of his scenes right now) off the charts acting, and an overall entertaining show. My only wish about this show is that it is TV-13 or at the least TV-14, because this Netflix show I feel should be more targeted to the people who are going through the same stages as the characters, growing up and everything. Instead, the show is slightly inappropriate for those ages and is made for adults who had already gone through this. Either way, Big Mouth is one of my favorite shows on Netflix.