World affairs are dramatic, sometimes not forgiving and even in the most terrible times strength can be seen and weakness a political problem when it comes to politics. This movie takes a look at the Soviet views, a submariner's life, their family and also is telling of issues that the soviets have had financially to up keep their Armed Forces. What must be taken from the movie is that if we want to save our folks in the military we must maintain their equipment and ensure they are paid properly and head warnings that are presented. The personal views that are shown are in fact what takes place when anyone goes to war or does something dangerous. The family are affected, tragedy can and will happen and the results of government minds can make the difference between saving lives or …. You will sit at the edge of your seat watching this movie, it will make you laugh when you least suspect. It will stir your thoughts and you will want to take action when well..., watch the movie, I greatly enjoyed it and was saddened.