This was a brilliant soap opera in its heyday. The first 30 years were the stuff of gold, it depicted ordinary life and relatable characters. The humour was as natural as breathing and the drama could compare or even better any work of fiction.
It hasn't lost its way, it has lost its roots. The programme, now airing six times a week, has been in a gradual decline for some years now. There are very few likable characters, and sensationalism had gripped the storylines. Everyone lives and works on the same street. Every wedding must be dramatic as the last. There is always a fire to destroy a building which after a few weeks will be built back up good as new. Why is there a knicker factory when in reality, operation would have moved to the far east? Why is unemployment so low? I get not everyone wants to see real life acted out to the letter but flashy stunts, affairs, bust ups cheapens the programme.
The gulf in quality between the classic episodes on ITV3 (currently on 1991) and the modern output is clear for all to see. Where are the salt-of-the-earth characters like Percy and Phyllis? Gail's transformation from the woman who could take on Ivy and defend her family to the comedy clown we see right before us today is infuriating. The way the writers think she is stupid is doing the actress great disservice.
The comedy today is appalling. Gemma is a right turn off, who wants to see a grown woman eat messily. It isn't funny and I don't get why we are supposed to like her. This has been a major issue in recent years, the producers have their favourites and want us to adore them. Michelle being the classic example. So much drama that woman has had these three years to last a lifetime.
Iain MacLeod the producer, ruined Emmerdale for me and I'm very close to switching off because his ideas are terrible. Slapstick comedy is NOT what made Corrie great. If Jean Alexander or Doris Speed were still alive they'd say to paraphrase Keith Burkinshaw, "there used to be a soap over there."