Who ask u to mock the fandom like that that’s what deserves now ! But mocking us u get what I called karma because it’s just bad to mock 15 years old girl for no reason! And u must know in the wonderful fandom there’s also girls that 18 years old and above too ? Bet u didn’t know cause as the show goes on u just pretend to be nice to our boys to get your stupid views and DISGUSTING act u have there ! Learn and think before u say ! And how can u mock our boys too like excuse me what unusual guest huh ? U are the unwanted guest I supposed ! They are way more popular than you and more views than u as they deserved it ! Ok look they are super successful that’s why they deserve to go the UN speech ok and I guess you’re just jealous and I hope you’re show is canceled FOREVER and don’t ever called our boys to your show anymore! Horrible u know ! I hope that they will feel disappointed in you and I hope they won’t do shows with u ever again ! As they deserve to go to better talk shows where they will be respected in anyways !! And guess what u will never end up in the UN speech be jealous all u want ! And u will forever remain in the armys black list !! We will hate u forever for this and hope u will never show you’re face to the public ever ! DISGUSTING ! And we won’t forgive u apology cause what’s the point when u just mock the fandom and our boys ! U think we will forgive u just like that , NO OR shall I say NEVER !