We have always recognized & remembered 9/11 as a day we will never forget. Because we truly won’t. But I feel so much sympathy and sincere gratitude to every first responder, bystander, civilian, survivor, witnesses etc. because they cannot forget. And seeing & experiencing what they did, I know that there have been times since that day where they wished that they could forget. The horrific things they saw and experienced became a part of them that day. The fires, explosions, the faces, the tragedy, the utter devastation & horror … all burned deep into their souls.
The descriptive & detailing stories from each & every person on the documentary gives you a first hand account of how it was in that very moment of every second.
Thank you for creating such a realistic, raw series. As difficult as some of it is to watch & relive, i think it needs to be watched & I feel like we owe it to all the men & women who lost their lives that day, and especially all of the first responders who worked tirelessly to save anyone & everyone through each part of such an unpredictable, horrific tragedy.
I definitely feel like everyone should watch this compelling series.
And I feel like every person born after 9/11 or just a few years before 9/11 needs to see this to truly understand what the day of 9/11 actually was.
While watching this series, for a second I am overwhelmed with feelings and memories of that day. I can remember sitting in class and my teacher abruptly walking out into the hall & coming back into the classroom, frantically looking for her belongings and then telling us that she had to go, that she was sorry, but her daughter was on a plane and something bad had happened. And then she walked out. I had no idea what exactly had happened. Classmates through the rest of the day said a plane had crashed but none of us really knew the tragedies that were occurring. But watching the episodes of this series & seeing people’s utter shock and looks of disbelief immediately take me back to the memory that stuck with me the hardest. I remember coming home from school & finding my father sitting on the floor in front of the TV staring at it with the most sorrowful, devastating look in his eyes. I had never seen my dad like that in my entire life, and I haven’t since that day. My dad has always been a calm, rational, easy-going kind of guy. To see him in that state hurt me and stayed with me all these years. Shortly after seeing him like that, my mother came up to my sister & I and let us know that our address and family was automatically added to a list of a residences where individuals & families stuck at the airport could go to until they could figure out how to get back home. My dad has worked for Delta for over 30 years and so the aircraft factor surrounding such tragedy really effected him on a personal level. Especially after the fact because so much about his job & job duties changed after 9/11. So he couldn’t forget at all because he was reminded of it each day that he went into work, washed his uniforms, packed his lunch, turned the TV on, just everything brought up reminders of that horrific day.
That day will haunt America F.o.r.e.v.e.r.